Beth yw'r Consensws ar Fwyd, Ffermio a Natur yng Nghymru
What is the Consensus on Food, Farming and Nature in Wales

Mae angen i ni ddod ynghyd i greu system bwyd a ffermio yng Nghymru sy’n gweithio i ffermwyr, defnyddwyr a’r amgylchedd.
Mae gweledigaeth a dealltwriaeth a rennir yn allweddol i greu system fwyd well.
Mae ffermwyr wedi bod yn gweithio gyda rhai o’r grwpiau amgylcheddol mwyaf i ddod o hyd i dir cyffredin ar ffordd well ymlaen ar gyfer ffermio. Mae’n hollbwysig y gellir cynhyrchu bwyd o fusnesau fferm proffidiol ar yr un pryd ag adfer natur a mynd i’r afael â her yr hinsawdd. Rydym eisiau creu neges gyffredin gref i lunwyr polisïau ynglÅ·n â’r hyn y mae angen ei wneud nawr.
We need to come together to create a food and farming system in Wales that works for farmers, consumers and the environment.
Shared vision and understanding is vital in building a better food system.
Farmers have been working with some of the biggest environmental groups to find common ground on a better way forward for farming. It is vital that producing food from profitable farm businesses can be achieved at the same time as restoring nature and meeting the climate challenge. We want to create a strong common message for policy makers about what now needs to be done.

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