Why Get Involved

We need to come together to create a food and farming system that works for farmers, consumers and the environment

Add your voice to show that farmers across the UK support the consensus on food,
farming and nature.
Farmers have been working with some of the biggest environmental groups to find common ground on a better way forward for farming. It is vital that producing food from profitable farm businesses can be achieved at the same time as restoring nature and meeting the climate challenge. We want to create a strong common message for policy makers about what now needs to be done.

Supporting Positive Change
Adding your voice will help push for bold actions to accelerate a transition to a more resilient, sustainable and equitable food system.
It will show that farmers see farming and nature as mutually beneficial, which is critical to addressing the nature and climate crises. A shared consensus makes the case for strong political leadership to build a food and farming system fit for the future.

This sign up form has been set up by the Nature Friendly Farming Network on behalf of the Consensus on Food, Farming and Nature. The information you provide will be used for the purpose of demonstrating farmer support for and agreement with the Consensus. Your name, farm name and email will be used for verification purposes and to avoid duplicate sign ups. Your location will be used to demonstrate how many farmers have signed up in each part of the UK. The NFFN will manage your data in accordance with the privacy statement on this website. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting the Nature Friendly Farming Network, using the details provided in the privacy notice.
Add your voice
Show your support for a transition to a resilient, nature positive and equitable food system
Thanks for supporting the consensus